All of the protection plus
The Good Stuff.
Conventional sun creams and moisturisers that contain SPF block out the sun’s benefits (Vitamin D & Nitric Oxide). When Sunvitamin+ is added to formulations, it enables your body to continue to generate and absorb all the sun’s good stuff (Vitamin D & Nitric Oxide) with all the protection of SPF.

We now know the sun is vital to people’s health and life expectancy. We exist to enable people to safely enjoy the sun and balance its risks with its benefits.

A world’s first patented technology
Smartly enables the body to absorb the suns good stuff
Developed by leading academic dermatologist Dr Weller
The importance of sunlight to health.
The body is able to generate Vitamin D and Nitric Oxide from exposure to the sun. Vitamin D is good for bone health while Nitric Oxide reduces blood pressure. High blood pressure is the leading cause of premature death and disease globally. Sunlight, by release of nitric oxide from the skin, reduces blood pressure and the health risks that it causes*. A study of 30,000 Swedish women showed that over a 20-year period those who had more exposure to the sun had a longer life expectancy and were less likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease than those who got the least amount of sun exposure**. Avoidance of sun exposure was found to be a risk factor for death of a similar magnitude to smoking***.
Find out more about Dr Weller
Watch Dr Weller’s Ted Talk.
* Weller RB, Mahrhofer M, Davis W, et al. Risks and Benefits of UV Radiation. Curr Prob Dermatol. Basel: Karger 2021:1-10.
** Lindqvist PG, Epstein E, Landin-Olsson M, et al. Avoidance of sun exposure is a risk factor for all-cause mortality: results from the Melanoma in Southern Sweden cohort. Journal of Internal Medicine 2014;276(1):77-86. doi: 10.1111/joim.12251
*** Lindqvist PG, Epstein E, Nielsen K, et al. Avoidance of sun exposure as a risk factor for major causes of death: a competing risk analysis of the Melanoma in Southern Sweden cohort. J Intern Med 2016;280(4):375-87. doi: 10.1111/joim.12496
Could the sun be good for your heart?
Dr Richard Weller | TED x Glasgow
Our bodies get Vitamin D from the sun, but as dermatologist Richard Weller suggests, sunlight may confer another surprising benefit too. New research by his team shows that nitric oxide, a chemical transmitter stored in huge reserves in the skin, can be released by UV light, to great benefit for blood pressure and the cardiovascular system. What does it mean? Well, it might begin to explain why Scots get sick more than Australians ...

“High vitamin D levels, I think, are a marker for sunlight exposure, and sunlight exposure, in methods I’m going to show, is good for heart disease.”
— Dr Richard Weller